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Post02/05/2010 at 2:39pm (UTC)    
Post subject: A stranger website stay in my account forever

Dear team!
Can you tell me how to do my problem,please?
I have registered a website 1 month ago but I DO NOT UNDERSTAND every time when I login to my account always see a stranger website display in my account with not English language (stay forever) I try to delete anyway but it is still there so can you tell me how to takeoff this site : please
Have a great day
Post03/29/2010 at 3:13pm (UTC)    
Post subject:

After logining, you see the last visitors of your homepage. Ahisxa may be one of the your visitors mayn't s/he?
- If you love your own-free-website, fight against to spams and spammers! Please support us, let's remove all the spammers together! We don't want to see spams and spammers on OFW board!

- The only language of the board is English / Englisch / Anglaise / Inglés / Inglese / İngilizce / Angielski / Английский / Αγγλικά / 英语 / 英语简体英文. So please write in just English!

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