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Post01/01/2013 at 8:27am (UTC)    
Post subject: Statistics

Hi, how can I pull statistics from the website? I'd like to know how many visitors + hits I get per year.
Post01/02/2013 at 7:10am (UTC)    
Post subject: Re: Statistics

deanministries wrote:
Hi, how can I pull statistics from the website? I'd like to know how many visitors + hits I get per year.

We have an extra which is called 'Counter'. Please try to edit it.

Manage Extras > Add Extra > Select Extra : Counter > Add Extra > Edit: Options and Stats, especially put a tick on 'Show stats on a subsite?' in options page > Save

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Post01/03/2013 at 12:33pm (UTC)    
Post subject: Nope, still not...

Thanks canerfc - I do already have the counter active on every page. So I've changed "visits per day" to "total visits" - but what I was hoping for is to find a way, so that you can pull a report, like "total visitors in 2012". The only options I see is number per day or total, and a graph for this month.
Post01/07/2013 at 7:20pm (UTC)    
Post subject: Re: Nope, still not...

deanministries wrote:
Thanks canerfc - I do already have the counter active on every page. So I've changed "visits per day" to "total visits" - but what I was hoping for is to find a way, so that you can pull a report, like "total visitors in 2012". The only options I see is number per day or total, and a graph for this month.

Hello Deanministries, you are welcome. I'm sorry for our counter extra has just 'this/last month' option, not 'this/previous year' option. You can see a month's graphic but not per a day or total.

As extra info, I will report your wish to my support team. We should improve counter extra.

Thank you! Regards!
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