The operative word is 'free". Instead of saying own-free-website it would say own-website without the free. This is how they make money (a small price for us to pay) with their unobtrusive ads at the top.
That is how most all web pages pay for themselves. That is how TV is made available to us. Through ads. The ads themselves Pay for the program we are watching.
If everybody used code etc to remove the unobtrusive ads this place would fold up & close the doors quickly & you would probably get a permanent ban if you did try it on your own.
Take Care,
& check out My YouTube Channel
The pain is back, but this time lower. It feels like someone stuck an ice pick in my belly button. BUT, I did have one good thought on this procedure. If I ate that much toilet paper, and eventually it will come out when I doo-doo, will I need to wipe?
I mean shouldn't eating the toilet paper cut out the middle man. I think I'm on to something here. Wipeless doo-doo by eating toilet paper. Dig up Edison ,we got something to tell him.
5:20 pm: It's going to be a long night.
Sunday, I passed the screw. It caused less damage than I thought it would, and after carefully sifting through my own stool, I have found zero evidence of the toilet paper ever existing.